Friday, August 17, 2012

Restaurant Employee Manuals

Most people will regard working in the restaurant industry as a "happy-go-lucky" job, however anyone in this industry knows that this is not exactly true.
For a restaurant operator rules and regulations are a must. In addition, one must also clearly understand his or her expectations in regards to staff members.
On the other hand, the employees should also be aware of these expectations, as well as what's important to that restaurant. One Most effective way of ensuring that this information is passed on to the employees is by using an employee manual.
Though the manual serves numerous other purposes, its most important use in any restaurant is to provide a structure.
While the customer requires that they get the same experience each time they come to the restaurant, the high turnover experienced in this restaurant industry makes it impossible for the operator to keep everyone up to speed. This situation makes the employee manual a must have for any restaurant operator.
The employee manual also plays the role of a reference manual. This makes it a very important reference tool. In cases where employees do something wrong, you are able to refer the employees back to the manual. This way employees cannot complain that they were not told something.
A restaurant manual will also prove useful to everyone working in the restaurant as it helps them understand what the restaurant brand stands for. It keeps everyone honest to the brand ensures that everyone has a very clear understanding of what they're doing each day.

Here is some important advice on good employee manuals:Before your new hires can even start training, ensure that they read it and sign off on the manual. Rather than referring to it as an employee manual, refer to it as the Employees Rules and Regulations. This makes it a bit more serious sounding.

Employee manuals are not training manuals but should give the basics of your company. The restaurants motto plus mission statement should be laid out clearly from the very beginning. Have the manual explain briefly about the restaurant's history and those elements that differentiate you from your competition.

Secondly, detail the expectations. That is, what is expected from the employee in terms of cleanliness, their attitude, expectations regarding to phone usage or texting, what to do when they are sick or how they should request time off. In addition, the employees should know when they should expect their remuneration, so the manual should cover that.

The employee manual includes: a welcome note; the business motto, mission statement and goals; the person to contact plus how; policies regarding cellphone usage, employees sick days, how tp giving notice; details regarding uniform, employees attitude and etiquette; cleaning and side work; how they should deal with any secret shoppers and also what a typical secret shopper report looks like.

It is recommended that at least one electronic copy of the manual is provided to each employee. It is also advisable to keep the manual short with details about expectations, ways to handle basic situations, and a welcome.

Note that the restaurant employee manual is not training so avoid filling it with unnecessary details.The manual should be availed electronically or otherwise in paper format. This gives employees the option of reading it online. In addition, keep a manual in each store for reference.The manual can go much deeper to make sure employees are aware on all fundamentals of the business, to ensure basic understanding of what your focus is, to ensure a very clear direction and making sure you try to express your passion of why we're in business. Talk a bit more on the execution, how you expect your employees to act while working at the restaurant,and on what kind of restaurant you are. Also talk about your culture. It's about committment to a clear vision."The manual can additionally detail employment policies, your recruitment and hiring policies, ways of handling problems, jury duty, their benefits, giving notice, their safety and security, harassment and discrimination, among many other topics. It can also have examples of reasons why an employee can be terminated.

The manual should spell out everything and answer the questions so employees didn't have to ask. Always stay open to ammending changes to your employee manual.

Review the employee manual every year and have each employee sign off on the manual annually to keep it fresh in everyone's mind.After effecting changes to your manual, inform all your staff members. If it's a major change have all employees resubmit their signature.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Ristorante Prenotazioni

Quando i proprietari dei ristoranti hanno bisogno di rifornimenti, preferiscono rivolgersi ad aziende che hanno esperienza nel settore della ristorazione e capiscono esattamente cosa necessita un ristorante. Non andrebbero mai a cercare rifornimenti per un ristorante in un negozio di macchine, e neanche comprerebbero rifornimenti da un’azienda che ha esperienza in articoli per computer. Questo e’ il motivo per cui e’ la migliore scelta nel mercato. e’ di proprieta’ di una antica ristorazione con anni d’esperienza nel settore. Aggiungi a questo il fatto di che per gli ultimi 12 anni ha raffinato e specializzato competenze di prenotazioni che si adattano a qualsiasi ristorante dal piu’ piccolo casuale al piu’ caro stabilimento nel mondo per una cena raffinata. Tutte le prenotazioni vendute hanno spazi nelle pagine per una colleta di informazioni di diversi tipi che influiscono sulla linea di fondo del negozio in quel giorno in aggiunta di spazi per selezionare dove la gente ha riservato i loro tavoli. Ci sono diversi tipi a disposizione e questo e’ l’unico prodotto offerto da      Loro non cercano di vendere posaterie, piatti o equipaggiamento per la cucina. Il loro obbietivo e’ creare il piu’ qualitativo e utile modo di riserve disponibile ad un prezzo ragionevole.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Liquor Forms and 100+ Other Restaurant Forms is a website that a restaurateur named Dave Lipson set up in early 2010 to assist new and upcoming restaurateurs coming up the industry.  Mr. Lipson says, “I wanted restaurant managers to be able to have all the right tools to get the job done.  Managing the day to day restaurant functions is hard enough without the right tools.”

The website hosts an abundance of forms and templates to help any restaurant. The best part is they are all completely free.  The repertoire includes liquor inventoryforms, menu design templates, prep and food inventory forms.   The site even host items like New Years Eve templates to design your own tickets to server interview questions. 

Dave Lipson has amassed an incredible amount of restaurant forms in his 20 plus years in the restaurant industry and it is incredible that he is just putting it out there to assist others in this great industry of ours.
If you looking for any forms to better your restaurant productivity of tracking I highly recommend you take a few minutes and browse Dave Lipson’s Free Restaurant Form collection.  I am sure you will find something useful and maybe even something you never thought of.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Reservation Book is Still the Best Choice

You might want to do reservations as of the moment. Of course, given all the other transactions, you wanted this to be fast and efficient. Thus, you might think of looking for a reservation software. Well, this might seem to be a good move. However, in the end, you will find out that it is no better than the use of reservation book.  At first, you might say that the use of software is perfect considering how it was designed and how effective the results are. Yet, as you try to take a closer look at it, you will then find out that it has a lot of loopholes.

One of the problems is the cost. Yes, it might be more efficient, but it will let you spend more. This is in total contrast with that of a reservation book. You might also want to answer the phone right away when it rings. However, if you are to make use of the software, it is not that fast since you are to log in first. You also have to ensure that you can check it every now and then since you are logged out if you have not made use of it for quite some time. There are also no recurring costs as compared to the software due to the subscription maintenance.

To top it all, you will also not have to deal with training of staff on how to use the software. It is very easy to manage and learn. In fact, it is very easy for them to learn at the very first time. Of course, there will be less errors and problems as it is used even further. Given these reasons, it might be best for you to make use of the reservation book compared to software that you can find online.